Happiness & Healing is inside of you. Let me help you uncover it.

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Remove the blocks holding you back.

It’s hard to imagine, but we are made of energy. When your energy is blocked, your life, health, and consciousness does not flow as divinely intended. Energy healers like myself can help you remove these blocks and help you move to the next stage of the true you.


Awaken to your true self via healing.

You don’t have to do the inner work alone, in fact, it helps to have someone guide you and help identify where to focus your energy. Work with my spiritual guidance team to unlock and assess what’s next on your path.

“Ceci’s healing sessions are a game changer. She incorporates sound, energy healing, and channeled guidance in one package.”

—Adrian F.

Pay whatever you want for your first session.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. One dollar minimum donation for initial session.