Forgiveness, the first step in your healing journey.
One of the biggest secrets on earth… is that many of us are not from Earth!
The human body is like a car, and you, the real you, is the driver.
You are eternal and drive many cars, sometimes even on other planets, each time learning something new about yourself in the process.
What would happen if people truly understood this?
Throughout time advanced souls from the stars have incarnated on earth to teach, to show the way, to help humanity with scientific breakthroughs, and more.
The goal of these advanced souls is to help humanity evolve it’s consciousness. Before we can fully remember who we are, who we have been, before we can meet with our cosmic brothers and sisters, we need to be aware that something is sorta off about life on earth, something is missing.
Once this awarenesses that something is not right is firmly established in a persons mind, a process of sincere seeking beings and consciousness starts to move quickly on a path that looks something like this:
Awaken -> Forgive -> Heal -> Unity Consciousness
If you have the eyes to see it, it’s obvious humanity has entered into the Awaken stage of consciousness growth.
The rise in protests, wild conspiracies, yoga moms, and vegans… all point to something really positive. It’s everyday people starting to question who and what they are. To question the rules we’ve been given, and a search to find meaning.
What comes after this mass awakening is mass forgiveness.
Here is the deal… We don’t have to wait for all of humanity to get there, we can forgive now. Forgive ourself, forgive others who have hurt us, forgive those who think differently.
Let it all go.
There is untold power in forgiveness, which is why teachers throughout time have come to tell us about it.
Super extra credit forgiveness exercise:
Step 1. Sit still somewhere quiet and imagine a pillar of golden pink white light all around you. Take a few deep breaths to relax and allow this light to wash over you.
Step 2. Ask your higher self, plus angels of love and/or a master teacher of your choice, such as Jesus or Buddha to help you with this exercise. *Your religion doesn’t matter for this exercise.
Step 3. Ask your subconscious or higher self to show you ONE thing that you are ready to forgive now, this can be a mistake you made in the past, this can be person who hurt you, this can be an experience you feel guilt or shame around. If nothing in particular comes to mind, this is OK, just ask that you are forgiven for all your mistakes.
Step 4. Visualize as best you can this mistake, person, or situation, that you wish to forgive. Feel into it again if you must and then surround it with this golden pink white light and imagine it going up into the light permanently. As you see it leaving say to yourself silently, I forgive you to whatever is leaving, mean it. Ask your angels or teachers you invited to cleanse you of this and to cut any cords attached to this experience.
You are done, give thanks for any helped you received. Most of your “inner work” is forgiveness and letting go, repeat this often and enjoy feeling a little lighter each time. Congrats 🙏
Ready to start your healing journey? Check out my one-on-one sessions here.